Wizard Class Combat Skills
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Wizard Class Combat Skills
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This page details information about the Wizard class combat skills that will be used in Player-vs-Player (PVP) and Player-vs-Environment (PVE) combat environments.
All information on this page is considered "Pre-Alpha" and preliminary, and is therefore subject to change.
Last Update: 2/20/2023
Wizards are the masters of arcane knowledge and wielders of great power. They are the keepers of the lost secrets of the universe and can channel the very building blocks of our reality to do their bidding. Their mastery of the elements, their profound understanding of the hidden forces that underlie existence, and their unparalleled ability to manipulate flame, frost, and the mind, place them amongst the most feared and respected magical beings in the land.
The Wizard is a mysterious and enigmatic figure, often cloaked in flowing robes and wielding a staff or wand. Their knowledge of the arcane is seemingly endless, and their understanding of the world around them borders on the supernatural. They are not mere practitioners of magic, but the unlockers of mind-penetrating techniques, unearthed by delving deep into the secrets of the universe to uncover the true nature of reality itself, even if it isn’t pretty.
Wizards must use their abilities carefully, for the forces they wield are not easily controlled. The slightest misstep can lead to catastrophic consequences, and their power can just as easily consume them as it can their enemies. Only those with the discipline, knowledge, and wisdom to use their powers wisely can hope to become true masters of the arcane.
As they progress in their studies, the Wizard is presented with a choice—to follow one of three disciplines, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of the arcane arts, or master it all in hopes of weaving these dangerous techniques into one. The Pyromancer, the Cryomancer, and the Arcanist all represent unique approaches to the study of magic, and each offers a distinct set of abilities and strengths.
Pyromancy, the art of manipulating fire, is one of the most well-known and feared of the Wizard’s disciplines. The Pyromancer’s spells are focused on dealing massive amounts of damage and setting their foes ablaze. With a single word and a flick of their wrist, a Pyromancer can unleash a deluge of fire and ash that engulfs everything in its path, leaving nothing but smolder in its wake. As a master of flame and destruction, the Pyromancer harnesses the raw power of fire to incinerate their enemies and add insult to injury.
The Cryomancer, on the other hand, is a master of ice and control. A Cryomancer can freeze enemies in their tracks, immobilizing them with the icy grip of winter, or launch razor-sharp shards of ice that slice through armor and flesh alike. Their spells are focused on dealing damage and applying Chill, which slows their enemies and reduces their effectiveness in combat.
The Arcanists, however, are the most enigmatic of the Wizards. They wield a power that is beyond comprehension, tapping into the deepest mysteries of the universe to attack the mind and project magical energy fields. They can erect protective barriers, cloak themselves in impenetrable force fields, or reach into the minds of their enemies, shattering their wills and leaving them powerless to resist an incoming attack. Those Arcanists who are truly gifted may someday unlock the truth that all elemental magic is based in the arcane. Those who do learn this truth effortlessly blend arcane power and the elements around them to enact their agenda… and their vengeance.
As a result, each Wizard’s mastery of their chosen discipline is further enhanced by their ability to manipulate arcane power. The more they channel this power, the more they can unleash its destructive force, tearing through enemies with ease and reshaping the elements around them to gain advantage. This power is made stronger when combined with their ability to weave their spells and unlock even greater abilities.
Wizards are the masters of arcane knowledge and wielders of great power, and their abilities are as diverse as the elements themselves. They are the keepers of the secrets of the universe and can channel the very fabric of reality to do their bidding.
Fire Bolt
Shoot a concentrated flame. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to (X*SPELL + X*INT). (X + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn to target with magical damage equal to (X*INT). Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Burn, deal X% increased magical damage.
Frost Bolt
Shoot a bolt of ice. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to (X*SPELL + X*INT). (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. Generate X stacks of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Chill, deal X% increased magical damage.
Raw Arcana
Project your mind outward to surround yourself in a protective mana zone to bide your time. Activate to gain a Pure Barrier equal to (X + X*WIS)% of this Hero's maximum HP, up to X%. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is already protected by any type of Barrier, generate X additional charges of Arcane Power.
Pyro Mastery
Choose the path of flames and destruction. All Pyromancer Abilities gain: (X*LCK)% increased Critical Strike Chance (CSC) when dealing damage to targets that are inflicted with Burn. Successful attacks generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Cryo Mastery
Choose the path of ice and control. All Cryomancer Abilities gain: (X*LCK)% increased CSC when dealing damage to targets that are inflicted with Chill. Successful attacks generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Arcane Mastery
Choose the path of the unknown depths of the mind. This Hero gains resistance to Silence equal to (X + X*WIS)%. All successful Arcane attacks generate X additional charges of Arcane Power. If this Hero is already protected by any type of Barrier at the beginning of its Turn, generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Hurl a molten ball of flame. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. If target is already inflicted with Burn, deal X% increased magical damage. (X + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT). UNLOCKS when over X charges of Arcane Power (LOCKS when below X AP charges): (X + X*INT)% chance to Daze target enemy. UNLOCKS when over X charges of Arcane Power (LOCKS when below X AP charges): (X + X*INT)% chance to Exhaust target enemy.
Frost Pierce
Sling a galvanized blade of ice. Deal magical damage to target enemy in P1 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. If target is already inflicted with Chill, this attack gains X% Pierce. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. This attack has X% Pierce. If Blocked, the Frost Pierce stops its trajectory. UNLOCK X: Deal magical damage to target enemy in P2 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. UNLOCK X: Deal magical damage to target enemy in P3 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target.
Arcane Barrier
Surround you and your allies with a semi-transparent protective barrier with your mind. Activate to consume X charges of Arcane Power (AP). All party members gain a Pure Barrier with HP equal to [X + ((X*AP)*WIS)]% of this Hero's maximum HP. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: All party members gain EVA equal to (X + 0.05*WIS)% for a Duration of X. This effect Refreshes (does not stack). UNLOCKS X: All party members gain Resistance to Silence, Fear, and Confusion equal to (X + X*WIS)% for a Duration of X. This effect Refreshes (does not stack).
Fire Storm
Call from the heavens flames and ash. Let them rain upon your foes. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Channel for a Duration of X. Deal magical damage to each enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL) + (X*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to each hit target. Generate X charges of Arcane Power per hit. UNLOCK X: Gain an additional X% chance added to the initial application of Burn to each target. UNLOCKS X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply an additional stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to each hit target. UNLOCKS X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Fear a single random hit enemy.
Frost Lance
Conjure a lance in your hand, throw it over-hand directly through target enemy. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP), AP applies to each instance of damage. Deal magical damage to target enemy in P1 equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + (X*INT)]. Deal magical damage to target enemy P2 equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + (X*INT)]. Deal magical damage to target enemy in P3 equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + (X*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to each hit target. If Blocked, the Frost Lance stops its trajectory. Generate X charges of Arcane Power per hit. UNLOCK X: Gain an additional X% chance added to the initial application of Chill to each target. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply an additional stack of Chill to each hit target. UNLOCK X: Frost Lance cannot be Blocked.
Mind Break
Concentrate. Enter the mind of your opponent and wreak havoc. Deal damage to target enemy equal to (X*SPELL + X*INT). Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is inflicted with Chill or Burn, gain (X + X*WIS)% chance to deal X% additional magical damage. UNLOCK X: (X + X*WIS)% chance to Confuse target enemy for a Duration of X. UNLOCK X: (X + X*WIS)% chance to Amnesia a random target enemy skill for a Duration of X.
Pyroclast Explosion
Charge a fragment of volcanic rock in your hand with Arcane Power. Launch it over the heads of the enemy party where it explodes. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Channel for a Duration of (X*AP) rounded up. Deal magical damage to each enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT]. (X + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to each target. For each enemy hit, generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is inflicted with Chill, gain (X + X*INT)% chance to reduce the mana cost of this skill by X%. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Exhaust a single random hit enemy. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Fear a single random hit enemy.
Frost's Grip
Look to your hand, charge it with Arcane Power. Reach out and grip the air, freezing your target enemy. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Channel for a Duration of (X*AP) rounded up. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT]. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is inflicted with Burn, gain (X + X*INT)% chance to reduce the mana cost of this skill by X%. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Stun target enemy for a Duration of X. UNLOCK X: Frost Grip targets enemies in both P1 and P2.
Reflective Barrier
Deploy a reflective semi-transparent wall with your mind in front of your party. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). The HP of the Pure Barrier is equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*WIS + X*VIT]. The Barrier lasts for a Duration of X or until destroyed. While the Barrier exists, all enemy attacks are redirected to the Pure Barrier. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: Delay X, (X + AP)% of the damage the Pure Barrier receives is Reflected amongst all enemies, divided evenly. UNLOCK X: Delay X, (X + AP + X*WIS)% of the damage the Pure Barrier receives is Reflected amongst all enemies, divided evenly. Amnesia X, "Reflective Barrier".
Fire Bolt +
Shoot a more powerful concentrated flame. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to (X*SPELL + X*INT). (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Burn to target. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Burn, deal X% increased magical damage.
Fireball +
Launch a molten ball of flame with both hands extended. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to ([(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]). (X + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn dealing magical damage equal to (X*INT) to target. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Daze target enemy. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Exhaust target enemy. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Burn, deal X% increased magical damage.
Frost Bolt +
Shoot a more powerful bolt of ice. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to (X*SPELL + X*INT). (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Chill, deal X% increased magical damage.
Frost Pierce +
Launch a sharp vulcanized blade of ice with both hands extended. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Deal magical damage to target enemy in P1 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. This attack has X% Pierce. Generate X charges of Arcane Power for each enemy hit. If Blocked, the Frost Pierce stops its trajectory. COMBO: If target is already inflicted with Chill, this attack gains x% Pierce. UNLOCK x: Deal magical damage to target enemy in P2 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target. UNLOCK X: Deal magical damage to target enemy in P3 equal to [(X*SPELL) + ((X*AP)*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance apply a stack of Chill to target.
Raw Arcana +
Project your mind outward to surround yourself in a protective mana zone to bide your time. Activate to gain a Pure Barrier equal to (X + X*WIS + X*VIT)% of this Hero's maximum HP, up to X%. Generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Arcane Barrier +
Create a semi-transparent barrier with your mind around your party members. Activate to consume X charges of Arcane Power (AP). All party members gain a Pure Barrier with HP equal to [X + ((X*AP)*WIS)]% of this Hero's maximum HP. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: All party members gain EVA equal to (X% + X*WIS) for a Duration of X. This effect Refreshes (does not stack). UNLOCKS X: All party members gain Resistance to Silence, Fear, and Confusion equal to (X + AP + X*WIS)% for a Duration of X. This effect Refreshes (does not stack).
Pyro Weaving
Impressive. You can now weave your flame magic across multiple disciplines. This Hero's magical skills gain: (X + X*INT)% chance to apply Burn equal to (X*INT) to target enemy. This effect does not stack. Upon application, each stack of Burn has a (X + X*WIS)% chance to increase Duration by X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Chain Reaction
Attach a fire bomb to target enemy hero. It's simple, really. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Delay X, deal magical damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to target enemy. This attack has an additional (AP + X*LCK)% CSC. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. Delay X, deal magical damage to a random enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to target enemy. This attack has an additional (AP + X*LCK)% CSC. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. Delay X, deal magical damage to a random enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply a stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to target enemy. This attack has an additional (AP + X*LCK)% CSC. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If "Crystalize" was cast last turn, increase the CSC of each hit by X%. UNLOCK X: (X*AP)% REPEAT X. UNLOCK X: (X*AP)% REPEAT X. Amnesia X, "Chain Reaction".
Cryo Weaving
Impressive. You can now weave your frost magic across multiple disciplines. This Hero's magical skills gain: (X + X*INT)% chance to apply one stack of Chill to target enemy. This effect does not stack. Upon application, each stack of Chill has a (X + X*WIS)% chance to increase Duration by X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power.
Call to the crispy frost in the air to swirl and coalesce around you. Your Mana mixes with Arcane Power to harden on your skin. Empower this skill by consuming X Arcane Power stacks (AP). Empower this skill by consuming X Mana (MANA). Gain a Pure Barrier with HP equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + MANA]. While the Pure Barrier persists, gain an array of positive effects: X% BLK. X% Backfire. X% Riposte. Generate X charges of Arcane Power equal to (X*MANA) per Duration. COMBO: If "Chain Reaction" was cast this Battle, heal for X% of Max HP for each hit by "Chain Reaction". UNLOCK X: Gain an additional X% BLK. UNLOCK X: X% Backfire. X% Riposte.
Mind Control
Careful. Attempt to take control of the mind of an enemy. The accuracy of this attack is increased or decreased by X%. X = This Hero's INT subtracted by Target Hero's INT Channel for a Duration of X (X = Arcane Power charges consumed). Over that duration, target enemy gains an array of negative effects: EVA is reduced to X. Damage dealt is reduced by X%. All skills cost X% additional Mana. X% Resistance to Cleanse. X% chance to Pull X at the start of each of target Hero's Turn. Over that duration, this Hero gains an array of positive effects: Any resistance that target enemy has active is added to this Hero's resistances. Generate X charges of Arcane Power on each Hero's Turn. At the beginning of each of target enemy's Turn, target enemy has a chance equal to (X*INT)% to break Mind Control.
Mind Bullets
Concentrate. Attack the mind of target enemy. Make the target see what you want them to see. Make them question everything. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Deal damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply one stack of Chill to target enemy. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If this Hero cast "Mind Break" last Turn, this attack and all UNLOCKS gain X% Pierce. Amnesia X, "Mind Bullets". UNLOCK X: Delay X, deal damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to apply one stack of Burn with magical damage equal to (X*INT) to target enemy. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: Delay X, deal damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Daze target enemy. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: Delay X, deal damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% to Exhaust target enemy for a Duration of X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: Delay X, deal damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*INT)]. (X + X*INT)% to Confuse target enemy for a Duration of X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power.
You flew too close to the sun, friend. But, maybe it's not such a bad thing... If any action this Hero takes misses, this Hero overloads and goes Berserk for a Duration of X. However, while Berserk, this Hero gains an array of positive effects, cannot spend Arcane Power, but Unlocked AP thresholds are honored: Gain X charges of Arcane Power per Duration. All skills cost X% less Mana. All skills deal X% additional magical damage. When Berserk ends, become Exhausted. COMBO: If, while in a Berserker state, this Hero commits murder (kills an ally), this Hero gains the base benefits of the Skill for the remainder of Battle. UNLOCK X: All skills cost X% additional less Mana. All skills deal X% additional magical damage. UNLOCK X: All skills cost X% additional less Mana. All skills deal X% additional magical damage. UNLOCK X: All skills cost X% additional less Mana. All skills deal X% additional magical damage. UNLOCK X: All skills cost X% additional less Mana. All skills deal X% additional magical damage.
Arcano Lock
What injures the mind, also injures the body. Make them forget... everything. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). Channel for a Duration of X. Deal magical damage to target enemy equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + X*WIS + X*INT)]. (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Silence target enemy for a Duration of X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. COMBO: If "Mind Bullets" or "Mind Break" were cast on this Hero's last Turn, gain a (X + X*WIS)% chance to Amnesia a random enemy target, that target gains Amnesia on one random skill for a Duration of X. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*INT)% chance to Silence target enemy for an additional Duration of X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power. UNLOCK X: (X + AP + X*WIS)% chance to Amnesia a random skill of target enemy for a Duration of X. Generate X charges of Arcane Power.
That should do the trick. Channel for a Duration of X. Empower this skill by consuming X charges of Arcane Power (AP). During Channel, gain a Pure Barrier with HP equal to [(X*AP)*WIS)]. Delay X, Deal magical damage equal to [(X*AP)*SPELL + (X*LCK)] divided evenly amongst the enemy party. UNLOCK X: Gain (X + X*AP)% EVA while Channeling. UNLOCK X: Upon impact, (X + AP + X*WIS)% chance to Stun a random target enemy for a Duration of X. UNLOCK X: Upon impact, (X + AP + X*WIS)% chance to Amnesia a random target enemy skill of a random target enemy for a Duration of X. UNLOCK X: Upon impact, (X + AP + X*WIS)% chance to Stun all enemies for a Duration of X.
You are now a master of the Arcane. Find balance. Don't waste it. For each enemy with an active stack of Burn at the beginning of this Hero's turn, generate X charges of Arcane Power. For each enemy with an active stack of Chill at the beginning of this Hero's turn, generate X charges of Arcane Power.
*DoD: Degree of Difficulty
10+ point skills cost 10 minus the cost of the basic version of the skill
15 point skills are only available to Heroes with a matching Class/Subclass